Simple Bio

I spend my childhood in China, most of my teenage years in Netherlands and Germany, got my B.S. in Computer Science at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in USA.

Life Goal

Accelerate development of science and technology with Artificial General Intelligence, aiming to create a Type III civilization withing 100 years.

Nerd People Fun

  • Facinated by Machine learning and AI in general.
  • Wanted to be a theoretical physicist as a Child.
  • Just love to learn new things, doesn’t care what it is as long as it’s new and interesting.
  • Love to have rational discussion about nearly everything except dance,liguistics and everything I consided boring(rational discussion that often disregard morality,ethics,ideaology,religion and emotion which might sound ludicrous,insane or/and evil)

Normal People Fun

  • Watch all kind of Documentaries as long as I can learn a thing from it
  • Watch Seasonal Anime cause anime is fun except those with no plot twist and brainless fan service
  • Watch Old Anime with high rating cause rating must mean something
  • Watch TV that depress people and stoped watching
  • Watch Stupid BiliBili Video to procrastinate in Chinese
  • Watch Stupid Youtube Video to procrastinate in English
  • Watch Educational/infromative Youtube Video to procrastinate in a meaningful way
  • Read manga with interesting theme or those anime it’s just plain bad
  • Play evey video game usualy in one go and never touch them ever again cause who need repetition

For Meaning Of Existence

  • Do project and research in ML/AI cause only thing I am good at is come up with weird crazy ideas
  • Learn useful skills might came in handy later or never
  • Help and guide others to prevent people making same mistakes
  • Force myself to face meaningless labour or/and danger to remind I am alive or just for adrenaline rush